We survived - amidst sadness at not being able to go visit family this year. We had a good time this morning opening and I worked hard to have enough stuff for the girls and Computer Man. Bear and Skunk got lots of princesses (Fisher Price Precious Places ones - no Barbie or Disney here), ballet slipper socks, sparkly jewelry and a pink ruffled dress. Computer Man got gloves (desperately needed) and a fancy shower head. I got several yoga pairs of pants, a compost pot (from my large RSE order) and a precious picture of Computer Man and the girls. Bear made Christmas presents on the sewing machine with Nana this year - Computer Man and I got matching pillow cases and Skunk got a beautiful blanket. We have so much to be thankful for! I will post pictures later...
We are going to look at a house tomorrow. I am praying for patience and a reality check for me, wisdom and discernment for Computer Man. Please Lord, let me not get too excited and please let the Man know if this is the place for us.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Cabin Fever
I know it is silly to fuss about 40 degree weather but it has been cold for Texas in December. It hasn't been above 40 for 3 days and my kids are stir crazy. Skunk just begs to go outside. It looks nice (sunny today) but we get outside and the air is full of woodsmoke and it is feels freezing. Makes me sorry for people who get cold and snow *all the time*. But I am thankful for a warm house and hot tea.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Dadda love
Skunk - Dadda's home. He came out of his truck. He can play with us. He is a good dadda. I love him.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Pottery Bonanza
I have loved Rising Sun Earthworks pottery from afar for years. Today I got 2 boxes from June that ended my drought and put me into pottery plenty. There is Skunk for reference and because she wanted her picture taken. =)

All packed in and bubble wrapped

A rainbow of adult squishie cups (12 ounces)

A rainbow of curvy cups

A trio of items in coffee glaze

The whole shebang

Skunk was so funny tonight. As Computer Man came home, she announced "I have poop in my hatch" - clear as day. She certainly doesn't speak like a 2 year old most of the time, has a crazy vocabulary. Bear started The Ranger's Apprentice series and is outlining a book report for Computer Man. She and I are working on how to write a book report/summary. Not just writing down random things to fill pages but actually organize thoughts, outline, write a rough draft and then write the summary. I don't like writing but here I am, doing my bestest.
All packed in and bubble wrapped
A rainbow of adult squishie cups (12 ounces)
A rainbow of curvy cups
A trio of items in coffee glaze
The whole shebang
Skunk was so funny tonight. As Computer Man came home, she announced "I have poop in my hatch" - clear as day. She certainly doesn't speak like a 2 year old most of the time, has a crazy vocabulary. Bear started The Ranger's Apprentice series and is outlining a book report for Computer Man. She and I are working on how to write a book report/summary. Not just writing down random things to fill pages but actually organize thoughts, outline, write a rough draft and then write the summary. I don't like writing but here I am, doing my bestest.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Pretend Play
Skunk's Playmobil people:
Mom hugs girl. Girl jumps on the mother's head
Girl: I love you.
Girl: I want you to hold me.
Girl: I don't want you to leave.
Skunk grins in my direction during this interaction. I ask her if she is talking to me and she doesn't answer and keeps talking between her people.
Mom hugs girl. Girl jumps on the mother's head
Girl: I love you.
Girl: I want you to hold me.
Girl: I don't want you to leave.
Skunk grins in my direction during this interaction. I ask her if she is talking to me and she doesn't answer and keeps talking between her people.
November update
Time flies while I am busy! Bear and Skunk are doing well and growing by leaps and bounds. We had a well child check for Skunk today and she is in the 98th percentile for height (38.5 inches) and the 96th percentile for weight (35 pounds with diaper and shoes). She is talking away and uses words like comfortable! We were sitting at the supper table last week with the song Shine (by the Newsboys) playing. Skunk pipes up and says "I have a shiny hiney!" She loves the Wonder Pets and has seen the episode where the pets help a glow worm to love her "shiny hiney." We laughed and laughed.
Bear is a bicycle riding fool - up and down the street. We struggled with long division so have backed up to short division tables again. She is doing well with multiplication. I have a plan for restarting history and finding Bill Nye for some science. We are doing Chemistry at co-op as well. The idea of Providence Prep a couple days a week is really looking nice right now. But not sure I want to turn over her education to someone. But the classical education model would be so good for her. She fights me quite a bit with new concepts and I think it would be good for her to go somewhere a couple days a week. I am praying about the education situation that God would make it clear to Computer Man and I what is best for her.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Bear is a bicycle riding fool - up and down the street. We struggled with long division so have backed up to short division tables again. She is doing well with multiplication. I have a plan for restarting history and finding Bill Nye for some science. We are doing Chemistry at co-op as well. The idea of Providence Prep a couple days a week is really looking nice right now. But not sure I want to turn over her education to someone. But the classical education model would be so good for her. She fights me quite a bit with new concepts and I think it would be good for her to go somewhere a couple days a week. I am praying about the education situation that God would make it clear to Computer Man and I what is best for her.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tying Shoes and Riding Bikes
Bear has learned to tie her shoes (finally!) and ride her two wheeled bike this week. I have video of the bike and need to figure out how to post that. She has to be totally ready and, I know it seems late, but I can try and try to teach her and she just gets more frustrated. If I wait until she is beyond ready, she picks whatever task well and doesn't get so frustrated.
We have a fall/halloween party tomorrow at the park. I will try to remember the camera but getting snacks, girls dressed and out the door might be all I can do tomorrow.
Just had to share!
We have a fall/halloween party tomorrow at the park. I will try to remember the camera but getting snacks, girls dressed and out the door might be all I can do tomorrow.
Just had to share!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
More Little Girl Funnies
Another absurdly early morning...
Skunk woke early but drifted off again in the extra bed with me. When she woke again, we snuggled and she was sucking her thumb (as usual). I asked for some thumb and she states (around the thumb in mouth) "suck your own thumb Mommy." I did start giggling and teasing her about sharing. We had a grand time waking up slowly and being together. After we were up and got to watching Curious George, she looks up at me and puts her thumb in my mouth. What love to share your beloved thumb. =)
Skunk woke early but drifted off again in the extra bed with me. When she woke again, we snuggled and she was sucking her thumb (as usual). I asked for some thumb and she states (around the thumb in mouth) "suck your own thumb Mommy." I did start giggling and teasing her about sharing. We had a grand time waking up slowly and being together. After we were up and got to watching Curious George, she looks up at me and puts her thumb in my mouth. What love to share your beloved thumb. =)
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Skunk took a kitchen towel, held it behind her with both arms (one at either end) and ran around the kitchen and living room shouting - BUTTERFLY. Then she wraps the towel around her shoulders like a cape and says "not butterfly anymore." ROFL
She has also started building with the magnatiles. Amazing that a 2 year old can build triangle tents and box houses (with 3+ floors) with magnatiles.
Bear is happy as Son of Neptune came out today and she is ensconced on the couch reading about Percy. I have found several more book series to ask Computer Man about so maybe we can get her some more reading material. She finished Book of Three and is writing a book report (due Friday) for Computer Man.
My girls are growing!
She has also started building with the magnatiles. Amazing that a 2 year old can build triangle tents and box houses (with 3+ floors) with magnatiles.
Bear is happy as Son of Neptune came out today and she is ensconced on the couch reading about Percy. I have found several more book series to ask Computer Man about so maybe we can get her some more reading material. She finished Book of Three and is writing a book report (due Friday) for Computer Man.
My girls are growing!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Skunk and I were sitting on the couch today and I told her "Mama loves you." Skunk said "Love you Mama." I cried. She snuggles quite a bit and is a big love muffin but this is the first time she has told me in words.
We took Bear to ballet yesterday. Instead of going home and letting Computer Man get her, Skunk and I stayed and chased butterflies, looked at ants, ate chippies and enjoyed the beautiful yellow flowers in the landscape. We had a lovely time and really enjoyed the butterflies who just wouldn't leave the flowers. Even with a 2 year old chasing them off, they kept returning.
Conversation here this morning over a travel coffee cup with water in it:
Bear: "That is my coffee"
Skunk: shrieks
Bear: "You don't need the caffeine." Takes the cup
Skunk: shrieks more
Bear: "I drank all the coffee. It would keep you up all night. We don't need that."
Skunk: shrieks "More"
Ah, the life with two children with imagination. I will miss it someday. ;)
We took Bear to ballet yesterday. Instead of going home and letting Computer Man get her, Skunk and I stayed and chased butterflies, looked at ants, ate chippies and enjoyed the beautiful yellow flowers in the landscape. We had a lovely time and really enjoyed the butterflies who just wouldn't leave the flowers. Even with a 2 year old chasing them off, they kept returning.
Conversation here this morning over a travel coffee cup with water in it:
Bear: "That is my coffee"
Skunk: shrieks
Bear: "You don't need the caffeine." Takes the cup
Skunk: shrieks more
Bear: "I drank all the coffee. It would keep you up all night. We don't need that."
Skunk: shrieks "More"
Ah, the life with two children with imagination. I will miss it someday. ;)
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Only one
Skunk and I took Bear to Nana and Pawpaw today at the Texas Ranger Museum. We have been talking about having her stay with them for several days and just never got around to doing it. With her being in ballet, going to co-op and my work schedule, it is hard to find time to get her there and back. She was very excited about going yesterday and then today she didn't want to go. She cried when we hugged good bye but overall did well. I cried too. Pawpaw called to say they make it home safely, went to the grocery store and Bear was in the shower. She called this evening to tell me about supper and fill me in on the afternoon. I have been praying for her and will continue to do so. It is hard to know that she is growing up. Makes me tear up just writing about it. Skunk has done well and the house has been so quiet. No screeching or fighting, just quiet play. Tomorrow we bake some and it will just be Skunk and I. Makes me remember how peaceful and quiet my house used to be with only one child. But siblings are how we learn to exist with difficult people (at work, home, church, etc). lol
Skunk is reading books. She will get Miss Nelson, flip pages, "tell" the story and close the book. On to the next one! I love hearing her talk and hearing what is going on in her head. But she talks quite a bit too. Her princesses and people talk to one another, hug and walk around whatever domicile that she is playing in front of at the time.
Skunk is reading books. She will get Miss Nelson, flip pages, "tell" the story and close the book. On to the next one! I love hearing her talk and hearing what is going on in her head. But she talks quite a bit too. Her princesses and people talk to one another, hug and walk around whatever domicile that she is playing in front of at the time.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Not Back to School Party =D
Every year our beloved homeschool group has a "Not Back to School" party to celebrate not returning to school. It is humorous to me because I love not having to send my kid(s) back to school. We basically do our school work year round anyway at this point so summer doesn't really mean no school. But it was a good reason to get together with friends and play. The temp today was over 100F again so that was nothing new. It was HOT on the playground but we had a good time running and playing with folks that we had missed over the summer. I am also reminded that co-op starts in 3 weeks and I *have* to get on the ball and order my supplies and my chemistry book.
I just finished a 3 day work weekend and am so darn glad to be home. I have been working too much this spring and summer and am ready to slow down. We aren't saving any more money with me working more so I would rather just stay home and spend less (read yarn diet for me).
Skunk is talking up a storm still. It was nap time and she was so tired at the park she was laying her head on my lap. I told her "get your shoes, they are right over there in the rocks." She raised her head, looked at me and said "can't find 'em" and laid back down. She was so cute.
I just finished a 3 day work weekend and am so darn glad to be home. I have been working too much this spring and summer and am ready to slow down. We aren't saving any more money with me working more so I would rather just stay home and spend less (read yarn diet for me).
Skunk is talking up a storm still. It was nap time and she was so tired at the park she was laying her head on my lap. I told her "get your shoes, they are right over there in the rocks." She raised her head, looked at me and said "can't find 'em" and laid back down. She was so cute.
Friday, August 05, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Last night I was plating up supper. Skunk ran to the hallway and shouted (in her tiny voice) "Dada, suppertime!" and ran back to the kitchen. Her vocabulary is crazy awesome but sometimes it takes a minute or two to decipher what she is saying/asking.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Summer time rolls on
I don't have any excuses for my lack of blogging... other than laziness and heat stroke. No, not really heat stroke but it has been over 100F for like 27 days consecutively as of today. We are struggling to stay cool. Went out this morning and only could manage the humidity and morning heat for about 30 minutes.
Bear did ballet camp every afternoon last week and had a blast. She listened to a story, did a craft and danced for 2.5 hours daily. They had a recital on the last day and Computer Man and Gran got to go. The pics and video clip were so cute. Bear has also learned to swim this summer and puts her face in the water and swims like a decent ballerina. lol She is so girlie that it is painful to this old tomboy. We have been swimming about once a week at "Swimming Nanny's" house on Saturday evenings. It has been so much fun to have the dads there to chase and throw the girls.
Skunk is talking like crazy and stringing words together. Daily I am amazed at her vocabulary and I couldn't even venture a guess as to how many words she can use now. She still is napping in the afternoons to make it through to bedtime. Sometimes I wish we could drop the nap but it sure is nice to have that 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon to be quiet.
I think it is amazing how well the girls play together, considering they are 7 years apart. Lots of squealing and arguing but they play together for a good portion of the day as well. I hope they stay close and enjoy having a sister (for the most part) for a long time to come.
I will try and keep better notes about the daily happenings here...
Bear did ballet camp every afternoon last week and had a blast. She listened to a story, did a craft and danced for 2.5 hours daily. They had a recital on the last day and Computer Man and Gran got to go. The pics and video clip were so cute. Bear has also learned to swim this summer and puts her face in the water and swims like a decent ballerina. lol She is so girlie that it is painful to this old tomboy. We have been swimming about once a week at "Swimming Nanny's" house on Saturday evenings. It has been so much fun to have the dads there to chase and throw the girls.
Skunk is talking like crazy and stringing words together. Daily I am amazed at her vocabulary and I couldn't even venture a guess as to how many words she can use now. She still is napping in the afternoons to make it through to bedtime. Sometimes I wish we could drop the nap but it sure is nice to have that 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon to be quiet.
I think it is amazing how well the girls play together, considering they are 7 years apart. Lots of squealing and arguing but they play together for a good portion of the day as well. I hope they stay close and enjoy having a sister (for the most part) for a long time to come.
I will try and keep better notes about the daily happenings here...
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Growing up
Stop, yes, plese (said with a short e sound), come. Skunk is really communicating with words and it is so precious. We also turned her carseat around this week. She just sat in a daze, enjoying the view of being able to see mama and da while sitting in her seat. I love being able to look back and see her sweet face.
Skunk is also starting to potty learn. She runs around sans diaper and then asks for a diaper and teetees. Time to start moving towards the potty. =( I love my fluffy bummed babies and then they potty learn. Ah, well, that is the way it goes.
Bear had her parent observation night at ballet and did a good job. I got to go this time and Nana and Pawpaw came too. She is growing up and becoming a young lady. And then she fusses at her little sister and builds houses with blankets. Not wholly a lady yet and I am so glad. Bittersweet...
Skunk is also starting to potty learn. She runs around sans diaper and then asks for a diaper and teetees. Time to start moving towards the potty. =( I love my fluffy bummed babies and then they potty learn. Ah, well, that is the way it goes.
Bear had her parent observation night at ballet and did a good job. I got to go this time and Nana and Pawpaw came too. She is growing up and becoming a young lady. And then she fusses at her little sister and builds houses with blankets. Not wholly a lady yet and I am so glad. Bittersweet...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Talking, talking
They both have attitude and talk at me now. Skunk has gone from no words to talking in about 2 weeks. Mama, Da, Hannah, NO, more, ice. There are more but I can't remember them right now. She is a little less frustrated but today and yesterday have been tough. The neighbors sprayed their yard yesterday and we have struggled... all three of us. We did go to park day yesterday and had a lovely time. Skunk climbed several ladders and went down a couple of the slides by herself with me at the bottom to encourage her. She also loves to swing but no surprise there.
Bear is getting big. She was feeling left out at the park as several of the girls had known each other for a long time. I pointed out someone else that was newer to the group and she and Bear played nicely. We stayed until it was time to get home and get showered.
We are still looking for dirt for our hopeful home. I just keep praying that someday God will provide the right place. We have looked at several larger lots and a couple of acreage places and none are right. Makes me want to settle for something less than right just to move. But thankfully Computer Man is more rationale than I am. =)
Bear is getting big. She was feeling left out at the park as several of the girls had known each other for a long time. I pointed out someone else that was newer to the group and she and Bear played nicely. We stayed until it was time to get home and get showered.
We are still looking for dirt for our hopeful home. I just keep praying that someday God will provide the right place. We have looked at several larger lots and a couple of acreage places and none are right. Makes me want to settle for something less than right just to move. But thankfully Computer Man is more rationale than I am. =)
Monday, May 02, 2011
Rained today
We haven't had nearly enough rain this year. It should be raining every week as spring is our "rainy season" and we probably haven't had 1 inch of rain yet. We were supposed to have rain yesterday, last night and today. And, yep, it didn't rain until this afternoon and then rained for about 2 hours. Don't get me wrong - I am so thankful for what we got. But we are so far behind.
Skunk is getting even bigger and is starting to talk a bit. She does say mama and babbles quite a bit. She is saying something - we just don't know what it is. *grins* She gets very frustrated with not being able to make herself understood. Bear never really had that much trouble expressing herself. Ha ha!
Tomorrow is the play day/planning day for co-op. Bear is so excited. We are going out to breakfast - breakfast tacos in a restaurant. She has eaten tacos on the go but we have never gone in, sat down and eaten in a restaurant with her. She is so ready for breakfast out and play day. I am amazed at how well she is doing. Computer Man and I are planning to take her out to dinner to celebrate her birthday this year. I am totally amazed that she is doing well enough to go out to eat and hopefully enjoy it. We are planning to go to North by Northwest and have an early dinner so the place isn't packed with perfume-y peeps. My girl is growing up... *sniff*
I haven't talked much about knitting on here but I have fallen in love with a new colorway, at least for now. Camilla - created and dyed by Family Roots. I have picked up several skeins of it in dk and worsted superwash and some that is on light worsted plain wool. I can't wait to get it and get it washed to work on some tops for the girls. I will add a picture in when it arrives. I am going to make some sleeveless tops for the girls. I am finishing a Christmas gift for this year and then I need to figure out what will be my next main project. I love knitting!
Skunk is getting even bigger and is starting to talk a bit. She does say mama and babbles quite a bit. She is saying something - we just don't know what it is. *grins* She gets very frustrated with not being able to make herself understood. Bear never really had that much trouble expressing herself. Ha ha!
Tomorrow is the play day/planning day for co-op. Bear is so excited. We are going out to breakfast - breakfast tacos in a restaurant. She has eaten tacos on the go but we have never gone in, sat down and eaten in a restaurant with her. She is so ready for breakfast out and play day. I am amazed at how well she is doing. Computer Man and I are planning to take her out to dinner to celebrate her birthday this year. I am totally amazed that she is doing well enough to go out to eat and hopefully enjoy it. We are planning to go to North by Northwest and have an early dinner so the place isn't packed with perfume-y peeps. My girl is growing up... *sniff*
I haven't talked much about knitting on here but I have fallen in love with a new colorway, at least for now. Camilla - created and dyed by Family Roots. I have picked up several skeins of it in dk and worsted superwash and some that is on light worsted plain wool. I can't wait to get it and get it washed to work on some tops for the girls. I will add a picture in when it arrives. I am going to make some sleeveless tops for the girls. I am finishing a Christmas gift for this year and then I need to figure out what will be my next main project. I love knitting!
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Life Happenings
I was reminded today that I have been very lazy about blogging. It is hard to find time that Bear isn't on the computer or Skunk isn't irritated with me. And sometimes organizing my thoughts and putting them down is difficult or makes me sad.
The weather is pretty and sometimes down right warm. We have had several days up in the 90's already. Tomorrow my mom and dad are coming for a visit for the day and bringing Uncle Don. Bear is so excited about visiting and playing soccer. Skunk has no idea what is coming. =)
Both girls are getting so big. Bear has basically outgrown her 5 point restraint seat and I have a booster on order for her. Skunk is still just under the rear facing limit (I think) but will have to be turned around pretty soon. She is starting to try to say a few things but mostly motions and screeches. I am somewhat thankful as Bear has not stopped talking since she was about 10 months old!
We have recently worked through division (Bear and I) and there has been great wailing and gnashing of teeth over trying to figure out long division. She gets so impatient and upset when she doesn't understand right away. Ah, well, just like her daddy.
I have started working at a little urgent care clinic and am picking up 2-3 extra shifts a month. We are looking for dirt but just can't seem to find the right place. I am praying for patience and endurance for me and wisdom and discernment for Computer Man. I am so impatient and he is such a drag bottom that he balances me out. Just has to be patient enough to wait for me to come around to his way of thinking. ;)
Those are the basics for now... maybe I can try and keep up for a while here on the blog.
The weather is pretty and sometimes down right warm. We have had several days up in the 90's already. Tomorrow my mom and dad are coming for a visit for the day and bringing Uncle Don. Bear is so excited about visiting and playing soccer. Skunk has no idea what is coming. =)
Both girls are getting so big. Bear has basically outgrown her 5 point restraint seat and I have a booster on order for her. Skunk is still just under the rear facing limit (I think) but will have to be turned around pretty soon. She is starting to try to say a few things but mostly motions and screeches. I am somewhat thankful as Bear has not stopped talking since she was about 10 months old!
We have recently worked through division (Bear and I) and there has been great wailing and gnashing of teeth over trying to figure out long division. She gets so impatient and upset when she doesn't understand right away. Ah, well, just like her daddy.
I have started working at a little urgent care clinic and am picking up 2-3 extra shifts a month. We are looking for dirt but just can't seem to find the right place. I am praying for patience and endurance for me and wisdom and discernment for Computer Man. I am so impatient and he is such a drag bottom that he balances me out. Just has to be patient enough to wait for me to come around to his way of thinking. ;)
Those are the basics for now... maybe I can try and keep up for a while here on the blog.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
March 2011
Spring is going better than I had hoped. We started SAMe for the girls and Skunk is doing so much better than I could have ever dreamed. She is still sleeping and eating. This time last year she was hardly eating and sleep was a precious commodity. She is not "normal" but at least she isn't starving or totally sleep deprived. I had just resigned myself to the fact that she would drop her afternoon nap and be chronically irritable and difficult like her sister was. She is still napping and is doing decently. She still doesn't tolerate baked stuff well but she does love chippies (without oil) and sometimes even cookies. The pecans haven't bloomed yet so the big test is yet to come. But at least we are surviving thus far.
Bear is getting so big. She was so sweet this afternoon while we took a short trip to drive a favorite road looking at property. Skunk was distressed at having to be in her car seat and restrained. Bear held her hand and sang to her. They are always good for each other but it was so precious to hear singing and the toddler go from fussing to calm and asleep.
The property search continues. I had found a place that I wanted to contact the owner to see if they would sell and it looks less than perfect in real life. Maybe they would want to sell since it just sits there. But there were several other properties along the road that appeared more conducive to building a house - at least from Computer Man's comments. I just want out of here and into something better for our girls. It makes me so sad that they can't come in our room and are basically limited to the living room and kitchen. But they have everything that they need. That is what I pray most for them... their needs, not my wants.
Bear is getting so big. She was so sweet this afternoon while we took a short trip to drive a favorite road looking at property. Skunk was distressed at having to be in her car seat and restrained. Bear held her hand and sang to her. They are always good for each other but it was so precious to hear singing and the toddler go from fussing to calm and asleep.
The property search continues. I had found a place that I wanted to contact the owner to see if they would sell and it looks less than perfect in real life. Maybe they would want to sell since it just sits there. But there were several other properties along the road that appeared more conducive to building a house - at least from Computer Man's comments. I just want out of here and into something better for our girls. It makes me so sad that they can't come in our room and are basically limited to the living room and kitchen. But they have everything that they need. That is what I pray most for them... their needs, not my wants.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
I know it sounds like a strange title. I was listening to KLOVE tonight putting Skunk to bed. Casting Crowns came on singing "I will praise you in this storm" and I started crying. I have not had much tribulation in my life until my girls came along. Each one has been a "storm" in my life that has brought the rain and tossed me around. God has used them to teach me things I never could have learned any other way. So, tonight I listed to this song and now I read over the lyrics and cry.
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away, stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you" and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried You hold in your hand
You never left my side and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you" and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away, stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you" and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away.
And I'll praise you in this storm and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried You hold in your hand
You never left my side and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you" and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away
I lift my eyes onto the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
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