Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Only one

Skunk and I took Bear to Nana and Pawpaw today at the Texas Ranger Museum. We have been talking about having her stay with them for several days and just never got around to doing it. With her being in ballet, going to co-op and my work schedule, it is hard to find time to get her there and back. She was very excited about going yesterday and then today she didn't want to go. She cried when we hugged good bye but overall did well. I cried too. Pawpaw called to say they make it home safely, went to the grocery store and Bear was in the shower. She called this evening to tell me about supper and fill me in on the afternoon. I have been praying for her and will continue to do so. It is hard to know that she is growing up. Makes me tear up just writing about it. Skunk has done well and the house has been so quiet. No screeching or fighting, just quiet play. Tomorrow we bake some and it will just be Skunk and I. Makes me remember how peaceful and quiet my house used to be with only one child. But siblings are how we learn to exist with difficult people (at work, home, church, etc). lol

Skunk is reading books. She will get Miss Nelson, flip pages, "tell" the story and close the book. On to the next one! I love hearing her talk and hearing what is going on in her head. But she talks quite a bit too. Her princesses and people talk to one another, hug and walk around whatever domicile that she is playing in front of at the time.

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