Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Joy in the circumstances

This is hard. The nausea doesn't leave. The only thing keeping me from curling into a ball and staying there is H. And she is trying to be patient but gets frustrated at our lack of ability to do anything. I even feel so bad and cold that I just don't want to sit in the yard. =(

And it has been cold here, below freezing for a couple of days. So we are holed up in the house, making each other crazy. Thank goodness that this year we can wash A, the precious bassett, and bring her in. When it stays below 40 degrees, I am bringing her in. H chases her around the house. It is almost comical to have a bassett hide under the kitchen table because it is her "refuge." H isn't allowed to chase her out from under the table - my rules to protect the dog.

So, I am trying to be thankful and joyful that we are still pregnant - though I truly feel horrific most of the time. H is having to settle for reading more and playing with said bassett. Sigh... Such a short time to endure but boy is this really hard on me and on her. T is even washing dishes every evening as I can't stand the soft or greasy feeling on my hands. And I *can't* stand ground beef. Eating bits of chicken and bison and lots of beans. Ah well, I just hope we can find joy in the circumstances...

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