Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We survived - amidst sadness at not being able to go visit family this year. We had a good time this morning opening and I worked hard to have enough stuff for the girls and Computer Man. Bear and Skunk got lots of princesses (Fisher Price Precious Places ones - no Barbie or Disney here), ballet slipper socks, sparkly jewelry and a pink ruffled dress. Computer Man got gloves (desperately needed) and a fancy shower head. I got several yoga pairs of pants, a compost pot (from my large RSE order) and a precious picture of Computer Man and the girls. Bear made Christmas presents on the sewing machine with Nana this year - Computer Man and I got matching pillow cases and Skunk got a beautiful blanket. We have so much to be thankful for! I will post pictures later...

We are going to look at a house tomorrow. I am praying for patience and a reality check for me, wisdom and discernment for Computer Man. Please Lord, let me not get too excited and please let the Man know if this is the place for us.

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