Sunday, April 12, 2009

Kicking above the Belly Button

This morning, while in my rocking chair trying to wake up, I got kicked above the belly button for the first time with this babe. I am feeling full of baby and pregnant the last several weeks. I ordered our baby mattress Friday evening so hopefully we will have that in the next couple weeks to set out in the garage. I am nervous about putting it in the room with Hannah. But she wants her own mattress and I had to explain that we can't afford to do that right now. She is ok on her bed the way it is for right now. Now I just need to order fabric for sheets and puddle pads. Poor Nana... maybe I should talk to her and ask if I just need to order pre-made ones.

This weekend at work seemed to go well. I love these 2 day work weekends. Much, much easier on me than the 3 days in a row. Somehow I can keep food up for 2 days but 3 days gone throws me over the edge and into an empty fridge and freezer. ;)

On to the start of another week!

oh, and HE IS RISEN!

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