Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Amazing... G is not quite 2 months old and we can see what normal is for her. H never reached normal until about 4 years of age! I am not saying that I have a normal baby or that she doesn't react to many, many things. But I have times that she is happy, smiling and sleeping. Granted, she reacts more than she is normal right now. Praise God that G can be happy and smile-y! It also makes those days that she is miserable difficult as I know what she should be like. But I am so counting my blessings that she is more healthy than H ever was at this age.

On that note, I tried brown rice this morning (I ate it, not G) and we will see what happens. My diet is so so limited that I need to do something about it. But it is hard when G reacts when the neighbors mow or T eats smelly chips or I cut open a paper bag of flour... Please God, give us wisdom to know...

(making the verse personal)

Trust in the Lord with all (my) heart and lean not on (my) own understanding. In all (my) ways, acknowledge him and he shall direct (my) paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

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