Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rolling right along

Yes, that was meant to mean that I feel like I am rolling/waddling back and forth some days. We are 37 weeks tomorrow and this baby is right up there. =) I am so thankful to be pregnant and feeling the kicks and pushes. All seemed fine at our MW appt this week. I started having braxton hicks on Monday (6-15). It freaked me out so much that I started washing diapers and got out the pack-n-play for the baby to sleep in. Now the pack-n-play is in the middle of the living room since we need to shift our room around but at least we are more ready. Babies need food, diapers and a place to sleep. We have all those covered. H was early and I was totally unprepared. I can't do that again this time with our chemical issues so now I feel better. I am not really nesting, just trying not to be desperate. ;)

Working the nursing home patients and the ED is wearing me out. This weekend is my last scheduled one at the ED and I am so glad. I would be worried about calling in and leaving the schedule uncovered if I had scheduled myself any shifts farther out. I will continue to do the nursing home rounds until this little one comes. I plan to bow out for several weeks but hopefully I can have most of the monthly visits done so that phone calls are mostly what are needed. I just can't see myself leaving an EBF baby for 3 hours at a week or two of age. Not that T can't handle just about anything (cause he does such a great job with things around here). I just don't want to ask him to and I won't want to leave. So things are winding down and I am trying to get the few things settled around here. We are going to do a shelf for H's room this weekend so that we can put her toys and clothes on the shelf instead of stacked up on her dresser surface.

Hope we get all this done! Probably will as this little one will probably be really comfortable in there and stay longer than I want. ;) God's timing is perfect... not mine. (must keep repeating that)

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